The journey starts here
The journey starts here

The journey starts here

That picture up there is of us, Chris and Cory, two twenty-somethings glowing with joy because we just bought our first boat together. Since then, we’ve been living on our 45-foot sailboat Constellation and preparing to set off on a multi-year sailing adventure. We’re glad you’ve found our sailing blog!

Chris is an oceanographic engineer by day, a boat maintenance extraordinaire by night, and the kind of guy you want around when anything goes wrong. Cory is a voracious reader, one of many hobbies, and always up for an adventure. We have a hunger to truly live life to the fullest, a passion for the water, and now a boat to make our dreams come true.

What you can expect from this blog

Are you a sailor with a love for adventure and a do-it-yourself approach to boat life? Maybe you’re preparing to buy your first boat, currently living aboard, or looking to avoid tremendous costs by tackling boat projects yourself?

This sailing blog is for you! You’ll see posts on:

  • Sailing
  • Liveaboard tips
  • How-to boat projects
  • Travel and adventures
  • Honest gear reviews and when it’s worth the money or not

We’re writing this sailing blog to get you jazzed about the liveaboard and adventuring lifestyle, pass on innovative ways to do boat work yourself (no, seriously… you don’t need to pay for that), and avoid the mistakes we’ve already made along the way. Plus, when we were getting ready to buy our boat and move aboard, I sure wished there was more information out there about what real people were doing to help me make the transition – my hope is this blog makes it a bit easier for my fellow planners out there to know what to expect.

Anything else you’d like to hear about? Let us know in the comments!

We can’t wait to start this journey with you.